Monday, November 15, 2010

Time to Catch Up

I have been a horrible blogger lately. I have been doing a lot scrapbooking the last few weeks and I realized that I need my blog to look back on to be so I can remember particular dates and stuff so I am going to TRY and blog once a week. We shall see.

The boys are loving school. I was really mad when we first moved here that kindegarten was only half day. This year I am ok with it because it feels like I get some much needed time with my baby and I think I would be super sad if he was gone all day. Every one is doing great in school and I really like their teachers--I think school could be much harder for them but I think that is just one of the struggles of living here!!

My boys started karate a few weeks ago. All I can say is WOW I feel like it has made a huge difference in how they speak to one another and to me. Don't get me wrong I still get plenty of LOOKS and I have to ask them to do stuff more often then I would like but the 'Yes Ma'am' answer has become a regular thing in my house and they are SOOO much better about having their rooms cleaned up. Their karate teacher is in our ward and his wife serves with me in primary and they are both super awesome.

Oh yea I got called into the primary presidency over the summer. I have never ever been in primary (well not since I was 12 at least) so I almost fell off my chair when I was extended the call. I can honestly say I love love LOVE my calling. I have been in YW a lot and while I always have and always will love YW I am so glad to get to be in primary while I have kids in there. I love getting to know all the primary songs that I are new and listen to the sweet little kids tell random stories.

We are working on our primary program right now. I am over it and am SOOOOO nervous. Everyone says things just always seem to work out and I am praying that they really do. The program ends with the kids reading short testimony statements while the pianist play 'I Know That My Redeemer Lives' (don't be impressed with me it is an idea I found online and knew I had to have) while I was putting the program together and I added in that little bitl it honestly brought tears to my eyes. The first time we practiced it while there was 5 billion kids (I am in Utah after all) going crazy and all you could still totally feel the spirit. So here's to hoping all goes well.

And another thing (this is just coming out on here because I am to chicken to do it on FB but it has been bugging me) I am so sick of people making annoying comments about the church. I have never/nor will I ever pretend to be a perfect person nor do I think many people in the church claim to be. The phrase 'perfect church made up of imperfect people' comes to mind. I really do not care what others think but all I have to say is I love the gospel. There is so much that I personally need to do better in my life for myself and my kids but I know that I can look back over my life and see the positive difference following the gospel has made for me and my family.

K I just had to get that off my chest. I belive I have jumped back into this full force now!! Oh yea my Arizona countdown is 8 days WOO-HOO!!!