Thursday, May 21, 2009

Almost Done

I can't believe school is almost out--one more day and we are done!! I am actually really looking forward to this summer. I have girls camp in the middle of June and then we will be down in AZ for the month of July (woo-hoo) going to wicked and hanging out.
I figured since everyone has had there Graduations/Performances I should post about them.
Cole enjoyed his class. There was a little boy who Cole insisted on calling Mr. Jamison and he would tell me stories about him all the time. At their graduation Cole got the award for 'Always having a Smile' which is very fitting--even grumpy Cole is still smiling. They sang a mr sun song, signed there name in sign language and each child repeated two nursery rhymes.

Nate was officially know in his class as 'Nate the Great'. He had the sweetest teacher who adored him. They had an early program and it was awesome. They sang cute songs, and each student had a speaking part and dressed up for there part (Nate was an athlete so he just wore his baseball uniform). At the end they sang 'God Bless America' and waved little American flags. It totally made me get all teary eyed.

And last but not least Zachary. We were so lucky to get such good teachers when we moved here. Zachary's teacher was perfect for him. I was really hoping that Nate might have here next year but she is actually moving to a school closer to her home. It was a good year and I feel like my kids learned a lot of good (and some bad) things. They seem to enjoy school although they still like to bring up living in AZ I feel like the have had chances to do things we couldn't have let them do if we were still living there.
For Zach's performance all of the first grade got together and sang some songs. Then each of the classes went and did a performance in their classroom. Zach's class put on some reading theaters. He memorized his whole part and amazingly enough was not even nervous to say all his lines. It was a cute end to a great year.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

American Idol

2008- After mutual a couple of the other leaders and a whole bunch of the yw hung out at my house and watched the American Idol Finale. It was very weird to hear all the girls eww and aww over weird looking way to tight jean wearing boys. I never got to see the winner (dvr didn't record that far) and I was a little shocked that David Cook had won (although I was really ok with either one working)

2009- I called in and voted last night (eww I know I am WAY to old to be voting but I felt very strongly about who I wanted to win). I set my dvr to record the news after American Idol so I wouldn't miss anything. After Joels' softball game I sat down by myself and watched the entire show--I was to scared to fastforward it and find out the wrong person won. Just for the record when Kris' name was announced I did a little jig--I so did not care for Adam!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009


Joel just took off for Father & Sons!! My boys have been so excited--Nate was packing last night and helped Cole get all packed up first thing this morning. When I checked their backpacks I found a jacket, pj bottoms, socks and a whole bunch of toys in Coles'. Nate had packed clothes for tomorrow but not pjs' and lots of toys. They were literally pushing Joel out the door. When I went to go tell them good-bye Nate told me he would pray for me tonight. Zachary and Cole told me they loved me about 10 times and Cole kept patting my head and told me to have a good day. I love that my kids are sad to leave me for a night--I fear that will not last forever. I am sure they will have tons of fun and I sent Joel with my camera with specific instructions to take A LOT of pictures!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The joys of school

A couple months ago my kids learned about the 'bad finger'. I have just began to come to terms with it (and that Nate enjoys pointing to stuff with that finger since he now knows it is the 'bad finger'). The other day we were eating dinner and Zachary mentions that there is a bad word on the slide at his school. I said oh yeah what word. His exact words were, "The bad (and spelled) f . . .". I was seriously so shocked I amlost fell off my chair. He was very matter of fact about it and knew that he shouldn't say it but it makes me sad that he even knows what that word is.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

New Look

So I got my hair done today. . .I have been getting brown and blonde put in my hair for as long as I can remember. Well today the girl who does my hair encouraged me to do just blonde to look more summery. Well I am DEFINATELY blonde, plus I had my bangs cut a little shorter so I seriously am shocked whenever I see myself in the mirror. Joel doesn't really care for bangs so I don't think he really likes it but my answer is they will grow out in no time!!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Ha ha so I decided to break it down by child--I am a bad person and my blog is my way of keeping journal so this way I can make sure to get everything about my kids. Feel free to skip over any of this.

Zachary had a fairly easy going week. We were in charge of bringing the snacks for his game and I let him pick out what we would bring--donuts of course. His game was on Wednesday night (which was just a crazy day. Joel had to work late all last week and on Wednesday Cole had a dentist appt, we picked up the boys from school came home did homework hurried up and fed the kids, took everyone to mutual with me for an hour, came home got the snacks and everything ready. Took all 3 boys to the game. I had to park far away from the fields and I didn't feel like making multiple trips back and forth to my car so I piled my arms with 2 boxes of donuts, a cooler full of drinks and a purse full of Gatorade for Cole and Nate. It was the longest walk of my life and I was sure the whole time I was going to drop them but luckily I didn't). Zach's game was at 8--yes 8 at night!! Luckily once again my kids were great, I think they sensed that I really couldn't handle them being stinkers. I looked over at one point and Nate had a whole group of kids playing soccer with him. During Zach's game a couple of the coaches got very annoyed with one another and it was INTERESTING. Luckily everything turned out fine and everyone was excited for their snack. Who doesn't love a donut at 9 pm. The next day Zachary had a swim day fieldtrip for school. He was up and ready at the crack of dawn. He had such a good time and has been talking about going back any chance he gets. He was so tired and grumpy by dinnertime and was honestly almost asleep before his head hit the pillow. These late games may be the death of me.

Zachary has been begging me to make strawberry jam. I finally took pity on him and got everything while he was at school on Friday. When he got home he was so excited until I told him I thought it would be a good Mom & Zach activity. He hung around for all of 5 minutes until I finally told him he could go play with his friends. I made 6 batches of jam!! Zach has had jam as some part of every single meal since lunch Saturday. We have already gone through 2 containers--I have a feeling I should have made more.

I don't know if you can tell but they tied a rope to the back of Zach's bike and he pulled around the little neighbor girl on the scooter. It almost gave me a heart attack to watch but they loved it and no one got hurt.

Zachary entertaining himself at his game. I am totally the mom that hurries up and takes pictures and then scolds. There are 14 kids on his baseball team so there is a lot of down time when they bat, so why not climb up and hang out. . .

Another month gone

I can not believe how fast this year is flying by already--I feel like we only moved up here a couple months ago and it has been 6 months already. I have totally been procrastinating posting with everything that has been going on so I am going to do a picture post.

A couple weeks ago I came out and found Nate & Cole were sitting on the couch reading the scriptures. Nate would read for Cole and tell him what to say--he was doing a pretty good job. His favorite thing to say is 'It came to pass' he loves it when he reads and his verses began with that. When he was telling Cole what to say about every other thing he told him to say was it came to pass--it was sweet and it actually entertained them for awhile.

Last Saturday we decided to do something fun. We took the kids to McDonald's and then went bowling. It was tons of fun. I was a little concerned at first because the place was packed and we were put next to 3 older ladies who were very SERIOUS bowlers. Luckily my kids were on good behavior and the ladies loved and adored them. They gave them high fives anytime they knocked down any pins. Zachary would hurry up and throw the ball and the run over to watch the screen (they had little graphics that popped up and showed the pins getting knocked down with funny little phrases). Nate was actually doing pretty good but he was very distracted by the vending machines and kept going and checking out all the candy. Cole loved bowling. After Joel helped him throw his ball down the first couple times he insisted he did not need any help so he would walk up and throw the ball down all by himself. It took forever to roll down and would only knock down a couple of pins but Cole couldn't careless and was very proud of himself. Oh, at McDonald's the happy meal prize was some Kids Bop music. Zach and Nate loved it and now insist on listening to it anytime we are in the car--Cole hates it which explains the below picture.

I have so much more to post but this is at least a start for now!!!