Thursday, June 4, 2009

Crazy Days

So I thought once baseball season was done life would slow down. Nate had his last game a couple weeks ago and he loved every second of the season. He had a sweet coach who did a really good job with the whole team. Zachary had his last game Wednesday--he ended the season in great fashion with two homeruns and a triple. It was a great game and he was so PROUD of himself. We definitely need to practice some more but he wants to keep on playing. Nate is excited for soccer season to start.

So girls camp is getting closer and closer. It is supposed to be super cold and I am pretty sure I won't survive. The idea of camping for 5 days without a shower really creeps me out. I am trying to have a good attitude and I am sure that it really will be a lot of fun. Two days before we leave is our anniversary, the day I leave is Joel's birthday and the day after we get home is Father's Day. I am sure we will survive but it is going to be full week.

I am lovin' this summer so far. Our days consist of homework in the morning and hanging out in the pool for the rest of the day. My boys are getting dark and getting better at swimming but I totally wish Miss Erin was around to refine their swimming. I don't suppose Aqua Babes wants to open a Utah branch hehehe.


Erin said...

LOL! Sorry, no plans for a Utah branch of Aqua Babes. I did have someone come to me from Utah this summer though for a session. You need to come stay with me for a week and we will get those stinkers swimming! Little Miss E was talking all about Zachary the other day...saying how much she missed him. :)

The Bundy Family said...

Wow! Ronda I cannot believe that you are going camping for Girl's camp. Good girl! Way to stretch outside your comfort zone. Miss you guys. Hope all is well!