Sunday, February 22, 2009

My first I hate you

So the other night Nate was trying to watch tv and I was encouraging him to go get in the shower. I turned off the tv and nicely asked him to go hop in the shower (I was not even a little upset). He walks out of the room and said, "I hate you." I asked him to come back in and tell me what he said and he started cryind and told me he didn't want to say because he used the bad 'h' word. I was honestly so shocked I couldn't even think of what to say so I sent him to his room and told him that his dad would have to deal with him. He has since apologized tons of times, told me he loved me even more times, and has given me yet even more hugs and kisses. Joels' answer was to inform me it was just the first of many more to come.

Zachary pulled out one of his front teeth tonight. I really do NOT enjoy the whole losing teeth gross thing. EWWWW. It was almost all the way out and was just hanging there. He got great pleasure out of coming up and bug me with it. It totally made me gag. After being in bed for 30 minutes he came out with the tooth in his hand. I asked Joel if he had any cash and he informed me that the tooth fairy can't work on Sunday--Zachary would notice if she started and would not be impressed. Zachary didn't even ask if he could put it under his pillow. Great I guess I have to pay attention to that for the next few years now.

So I went and taught in Nate's primary class today. The first time I have ever taught primary. His class sits behind the sunbeam class Cole is in, he kept poking his teacher and saying, "That's my dad, that's my dad and she's my mom." He was so excited about singing and pretty much anything that was said by ANYONE. During singing time he was jumping up and down excited about every song. I was so embarrassed until I looked up and the primary presidency was all smiling laughing at him. We definately need to work on his reverance but he is just a happy very excited little boy.


Jill said...

Lauren pulled that one on me the other day and I told her that wasn't nice. I figured she really didn't know what she was saying, the older kids know I would beat the crap out of them if they said that to me :) I guess they will say it when they are big enough to fight me lol!

ERIN said...

i haven't gotten i hate you yet. but i'm sure it will come and no matter how many times i remember thinking that i hated my mom and its just part of being a kid...i think it will still break my heart. come live by me.