Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sick Kids

I think there should be a sign that pops up above kids heads when they are really sick enough to go see a doctor. I have such a hard time telling. It seems like when I rush them out to the doctor they just have a cold or viral infection that the doctor can't do anything for. However when I wait it turns out to be something real and I feel horrible for making my kids wait. On Sunday Nate pretty much lost his voice and was running a very low fever. He had a hard night and I decieded I would take him to the doctor but the next day he was perfectly fine. He was running a low fever again on Tuesday so I had him stay home again and told him he would definately being going to school today. Well last night he was burning up and managed to be up over half of the night coughing and just being miserable. Lucky for him, Cole picked up whatever Nate had and he was up (it seemed like one would wake up as soon as the other one was sleeping) so sad and refused to take any medicene. This morning they both seemed fine but I wasn't fooled. I took them over to urgent care. Nate has ear infections and basically a sinus infection. Cole had ear infections and the start of Nate's infection. Had I know that they were really sick I would have rushed them over to the doctor right away but it is just so hard to tell. So far I have bribed my kids into taking all their drugs and we have just had a nice relaxing day.

Nate is getting a kick out of not having to go to school but really I can only be so entertaining. Even sick the child has way too much energy.I am ready for healthy kids and a good night sleep as I am sure they are too.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I'm sorry the kids are sick. My kids have been sick too. Lauren had an ear infection, then Payton got it, Amanda's knee thing, so she was already on antibiotics so she didn't get it, but Kaylyn got an ear infection too. I have never heard of such old kids getting ear infections! We are hopefully on the mend :) I hope you had a good trip last weekend.