Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Day

School was canceled today due to all the snow--a first for our family. The boys were so excited when they woke up and found out. I think Cole was the most excited to have people around to play with him all day. After breakfast and bundling up we went outside and spent an hour having a snowball fight and making snowmen. The boys were most excited to eat the snow. When everyone's hands were frozen, bright red noses and soaking wet toes we all went inside to defrost with some nummy hot chocolate. As soon as everyone was warm they changed out of their wet pants into SHORTS--they are truely Arizona boys.
Appreciate that the snow man is wearing a U of A hat.


Jill said...

YOu would of thought you moved to the east coast! What the heck with all the snow? Stay warm, the boys are taking after Payton, I can't keep him in pants :)

Erin said...

That looks so cold! My kids are so jealous right now!

ERIN said...

hey, i loved your christmas card. very refearn. snow looks like fun, i can hear you shivering from here. have fun in YW, its going to be sooo different. i thinks thats a good thing. except i'm not there of course. the weirdest part about it now is that i'm all by myself. miss y'all, geoff was so excited about his christmas present! good cahooting (sp):):)