Friday, May 15, 2009


Joel just took off for Father & Sons!! My boys have been so excited--Nate was packing last night and helped Cole get all packed up first thing this morning. When I checked their backpacks I found a jacket, pj bottoms, socks and a whole bunch of toys in Coles'. Nate had packed clothes for tomorrow but not pjs' and lots of toys. They were literally pushing Joel out the door. When I went to go tell them good-bye Nate told me he would pray for me tonight. Zachary and Cole told me they loved me about 10 times and Cole kept patting my head and told me to have a good day. I love that my kids are sad to leave me for a night--I fear that will not last forever. I am sure they will have tons of fun and I sent Joel with my camera with specific instructions to take A LOT of pictures!!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Jason and Payton left last night too, CRAP i forgot to send a camera with them! I'm really bummed about that. I hope you get some good shots to blog about and scrap about too. See you in less than a month :)