Thursday, May 7, 2009

New Look

So I got my hair done today. . .I have been getting brown and blonde put in my hair for as long as I can remember. Well today the girl who does my hair encouraged me to do just blonde to look more summery. Well I am DEFINATELY blonde, plus I had my bangs cut a little shorter so I seriously am shocked whenever I see myself in the mirror. Joel doesn't really care for bangs so I don't think he really likes it but my answer is they will grow out in no time!!


Jill said...

Where are the pictures? I want to see you as the new blonde bomb shell! I'm sure you look great, you always do!

Jod Jas Curtis said...

I too, want to see pictures-- since we hardly ever see you guys! Loved all the other fun pics with your boys t-ball & b-days. We need to get together again- we'll have to meet up
& take the kids swimming- or games WhaTeVer! :)

ERIN said...

ok you big loser, you can't blog about something like that and not deliver. i expect to see a picture by tonight. not too thrilled to hear you replaced me in only six months time either. i'm gonna have to work on being more original:)