Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My little nerds

We got the Target and Walmart Christmas catalogs in the mail last week. My children have been looking through them non stop. Z is fascinated with the price of everything, N likes to tell me what he is interested (although it comes out more like isnernsested) and C wants everything that is boy and thinks I need everything girly.

We went to SLC to visit my sister-in-law and her family last weekend. I was nervous I was going to freeze to death (there was snow on the ground) but it actually wasn't that bad. We took all the kids to the dinosaur museum. It was pretty cool. C keeps telling me stuff about that boy whose house we went to, we obviously haven't seen enough of that cousin in particular.

On the way home we stopped in Beaver to get squeaky cheese (anyone who knows what I am talking about is very jealous). The factory was closed so we went to go pick some up at a gas station. While there a very nice lady came up to me and pointed out that my front tire was going flat--grrr we had to buy 4 new tires for my car yesterday. That was not fun!!


Jodi Hansen said...

Ahh that sucks. My mom told me you had a flat, but I didn't know you had to get all new tires.
I guess you will have to go to that boys house more often! LOL
I was glad you came up.

ERIN said...

man can you come up with something else to drain all the money from your wallet!! so glad to see a new post from you. i miss you tons, and thanks for the comment on my blog, made my day to hear from you!!

Jill said...

That sucks about the tires. I love squeeky cheese, I hope you got some, even though it was from a gas station :)

Jod Jas Curtis said...

Hey girly- I am so glad you started the bloggin' thing- & you are in my town now!! You need to come hang out sometime. How are you liking it so far? Call me & we'll chat........